Saturday, February 27, 2010

Someone watching over us...

Yesterday, I was involved in two car accidents. The first, I lost control of my car as I was slowing down for a red light and hit a patch of ice. I was able to steer my car into a snowbank and no body was injured. . .except for my car. The entire front bumper of my car was pulled off when I was yanked out of the snowbank by a few Good Samaritans. I was able to collect myself and drive to my friend's house (she was with me during the accident. . .I'm not sure who was more scared!) and my mom came and we got the bumper and drove the car to the shop. . .almost.

En route to the car shop, less than two miles away from our destination. . .it happened again. My mom had stopped in front of me (not suddenly) and when I began to brake, I lost control yet again. I was able to steer the car into yet another snowbank. . .but the rear of my car spun around and my back driver's side collided with the back of my mom's car. Thankfully, we were not hurt (physically), but my car had two rather large dents in the back now.

My mom was wonderful throughout both incidents. I cried a lot, I think just because my pride was hurt more than anything. And both incidents were very scary. I officially hate driving in snow and I officially hate winter!

Looking back on all of this less than 24 hours later, I can't help but be thankful that these situations were not as bad as they could have been. I wish I could go back and do things differently. . .even if it was drive just 2 mph slower, braked three seconds earlier. . .all I can do now is be thankful that I was not hurt, Ane was not hurt and my mom was not hurt. I know that Someone was protecting me, and I will be forever grateful for that. I will always be thankful, also, to those who helped me to get out of those dreadful snowbanks. The first incident took about 20 minutes and about 6 or 7 guys to get out of. It also clogged up traffic for a couple minutes. . .my baddd =/

Again, I just thank God that nobody was hurt and everything turned out okay. I couldn't say it enough last night, when I was in my room surrounded by my thoughts about the events of the day. I apologize to Ane for putting her through all that, my mom for beating up the car and putting her through all that. . .and I think I will ground myself from driving. . .until Monday, when I have to go back to school.

Bubbles (said car) will be good as new after a few visits to the car doctor.


  1. Good to hear you are all right! I don't know if you remember Michael from NP, but he had a car accident a few hours ago also! I think the car is totalled...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (oops don't know what happened to my first one. Anyway here's what I wrote:)

    Glad you guys are okay. It's useless thinking about what you could have done to prevent it, though. Instead think of it as just another way for God to show us that He is there!!! And He cares. :)

    Only three more weeks of winter!!
    And Florida in two. ;)

  4. yahh i am glad we are fine :D heeh and yah God was in the control!!! hey some more weeks and the winter is gone :D
