Saturday, September 24, 2011

Well, looky here

So here is my new blog entry. I was nagged to death to update it ;) so here be my update.

I graduated my LPN program on 9-1-11. . .it was a GREAT day. I was so happy to reach that milestone, and feel that accomplishment, knowing I've made a big step forward in my life and career. I'm still waiting at this point to take my NCLEX (National Council Licensure Examination) to receive my official number - then I can begin practicing. =)

RN school is on hold right now. . .a year of school that was Mon - Fri, starting as early as 0700 and ending as late as 1630 (haha). . .burnt me out on school for the time being. Might be a year or two before I start again. Maybe more!

In other areas of life. . .a lot has changed in the last year. So much. . .I have cried, I have done stupid things, I have made good decisions, I have made bad decisions, I have laughed, I have been angry, I have fought, and most of all, I have surrendered. Through it all, I am continuously reminded that there is only ONE solid in my life, and that is God. Throughout this year, He has guided me through the death of a friend I had become distanced from, the death of my grandmother, the loss of friendships, and all the other ridiculous little trials we face every day. This year, above all other years past, I have missed my innocence, naivety, and my childhood trusting in every human I came in contact with. I have never felt more guarded and hardened, yet never so softened and compassionate. I guess this is all part of this growing up business!

Speaking of growing up - I FINALLY crossed over into my 20's this year. . .AGH! Pretty sure I found a gray hair and a wrinkle in the last couple months, too. This is unbearable! Oh, to be young again!!

Well. . .this is a brief overview of the last year. There's much more I could drone on and on about, but that will have to be later. Maybe next year. =P
As for now. . .I have to get up at 0500....and it's almost 2330 now!! (You figure it out. . .I have to!)

God Bless